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CDC Infrastructure and Routine Practices for Occupational Infection Prevention and Control Services

Those sections described the infrastructure and routine practices of Occupational Health Services (OHS) for providing occupational infection prevention and control (IPC) services to healthcare personnel (HCP), as well as special considerations associated with emergency response personnel and provisions in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that are relevant to OHS. The updated recommendations in this document are aimed at the leaders and staff of OHS and the administrators and leaders of healthcare organizations (HCO) and are intended to facilitate the provision of occupational IPC services to HCP. The recommendations address eight IPC elements of OHS:


  • Leadership and Management
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Assessment and Reduction of Risks for Infection among Healthcare Personnel Populations
  • Medical Evaluations
  • Occupational Infection Prevention and Control: Education and Training
  • Immunization Programs
  • Management of Potentially Infectious Exposures and Illnesses
  • Management of Healthcare Personnel Health Records

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